Our Blog


Wednesday, October 21st, 2015

by Melanie VanderPol-Bailey, MSW

When suffering is defined as a noun, it is the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.  The verb or act of suffering is defined as an experience, or to be subjected to something bad or unpleasant; to tolerate. 

How do you define suffering?  Everyone’s measuring stick is different.  Chances are you know several people who are currently experiencing suffering.  Know that if you are suffering you are not alone.  Resources are available and loved ones are nearby.  Counseling is a safe place to share your distress and to find ways to see hope through the experiences of suffering.  October is both Domestic Violence Awareness and Infant Loss and Pregnancy Month.  Sioux Falls Psychological Services wants to send love to those affected by the sufferings related to these issues. 

Contact us today for resources or to set up an appointment, call 605-334-2696 in Sioux Falls or 605-337-3444 in Platte.