Our Blog

Longing for More

Monday, February 8th, 2016

by Megan Miller, MA

Have you stopped to notice how much energy you may be investing in a desire for “more” in your life?  Our culture tends to breed the mindset that what we have is not enough.  We often get the message that we should have more possessions, more perfectly-behaved children, more sought-after careers, more perfectly-organized homes, and more of anything deemed “desirable.”

The challenge with wanting more in these ways is that we are chasing something that leaves us unfulfilled.  Even if we obtain “more,” we often find ourselves feeling disappointed and empty.

So how do we transform this unhelpful pattern in our lives?  I believe it takes a very intentional effort to really dig in and invest in opportunities that have the power to transform us at our core.  When we slow down to become aware of our hearts and pay attention to our broken places, we can invest in healing.  Looking at our brokenness is painful, yet when we push it away it steals joy.  When we have the courage to look at these challenges, we can instead allow them to bring us to greater awareness and healing.

Imagine if we gave ourselves permission to invest in personal wholeness.  This venture allows us to more fully appreciate ourselves and to engage in the world around us.  As we acknowledge the natural gifts that we have been entrusted with and allow healing for our broken places, we are free to make a difference and to engage in life more fully.  This pursuit of “more” is a goal that moves us toward freedom to be the best version of ourselves.  You are unique and have a special opportunity to share the “whole” you with the world around you.