
The Missing Piece

Monday, May 6th, 2024

There is a children’s book entitled “The Missing Piece Meets the Big O” written by Shel Silverstein.  The book depicts a triangle piece who is desperately trying to find the pac-man-looking circle to complete him.  Throughout the story, the missing piece encounters several incomplete circles that don’t seem to fit.  The missing piece gets discouraged and tries to change himself or draw more attention to himself in order to find someone. Ultimately the wedge realizes the importance of personal development and not looking to others to “complete” him.

This Too Shall Pass

Monday, April 29th, 2024

I don’t know about you, but I am getting pretty tired of being teased by the weather. So far this year we have had several accounts of clear skies and warm sunshine followed by an abrupt downpour of rain or drifts of snow. Washing my car on a really nice day only to have it covered in mud a day later or taking my lawn and garden supplies out only to have to tuck them back away. On the days that we are forced back inside by the elements, it is easy to get sucked back into a slump of thinking “is this ever going to get better?”

Letting Go & Forgiveness

Sunday, April 21st, 2024

Last week strong Spring winds blew throughout many of our areas.  As I was gazing out the window, I had the opportunity to observe a dove.  She was successfully and quite willfully hanging on to a branch in a large budding tree.  Clearly struggling, flapping her wings but determined to hang on for several more minutes before letting go. 

Beauty in the Waves

Monday, April 15th, 2024

If one has not spent much time by the ocean, the water can be very intimidating.  With its undertows, strong waves, riptides, and sea creatures, there are a lot of things to be on the lookout for.  For some, admiring from a distance feels more comfortable than stepping in.  Either way, many have experiencing the ocean on their bucket list as it is one of God’s many wonders.